Keystone Helps Organize, Moderate Discussion at Public Symposium on Human Germline Editing

Keystone Helps Organize, Moderate Discussion at Public Symposium on Human Germline Editing

Keystone Policy Center’s Director of Emerging Technologies Program, Julie Shapiro, moderated a session at an event on human germline editing Oct. 26.  The event was called CRISPR Consensus? and it featured scientists, religious leaders, advocates, policymakers, and others participating in an open symposium on ethics and policy around making heritable changes to human DNA. The event was hosted by the Innovative Genomics Institute (IGI) at the University of California, Berkeley. It was organized by IGI, the Initiative on Science, Technology and Human Identity at Arizona State University, and the Keystone Policy Center.

Shapiro’s session explored platforms and pathways for public engagement and debate. It featured a series of short talks showcasing mechanisms and projects for public participation in shaping ethical debate and agendas for governance in human germline editing. Watch the full session below.