Keystone Energy Board


The Keystone Energy Board (Energy Board) is a longstanding forum for energy sector leaders to learn about and discuss timely issues, examining the linkages among energy, environmental and economic policies.

The Energy Board is comprised of about 50 individuals representing different perspectives on energy policy; our members bring expertise from industry, technology, environmental and consumer advocacy, and state and federal government.

The Keystone Value

When asked why they participate in the Energy Board, members consistently state three key attributes that make membership valuable:

  • A unique diversity of perspectives on issues that members face daily in their own organizations.
  • The opportunity to leave behind individual agendas and positioning and have unique off-the-record discussions about tough issues.
  • The benefit of developing meaningful relationships with other key players in the energy arena.

Discussion Topics

Energy Board discussions reflect the interests of members. Recent topics include:

  • The future of the gas distribution utility.
  • Projected load growth in the electricity sector and its implications.
  • The use and potential of AI for the energy sector.
  • Implications of the Loper Bright Supreme Court decision.
  • The future of nuclear energy.

The Energy Board meets three times a year in either Colorado or Washington, DC.

Membership is by invitation and meetings are off the record and not for attribution.  See a list of our current members [PDF].

The Energy Board is committed to diversity among members and speakers, as outlined in its statement on diversity and inclusion [PDF].