Doyle Karr

Doyle Karr was most recently the director of Consumer Insights and Social License for Corteva Agriscience. In this role since 2017, Doyle led efforts to understand global consumer preferences and integrate relevant insights into the business planning within the company. He also directs efforts to engage with traditional and non- traditional stakeholders to achieve social license for emerging technologies that the company is pursuing.

Previously, Doyle was director of Biotechnology Public Policy for DuPont where he led development and implementation of company-wide strategies for biotechnology policies, acceptance and communications across business units and functional areas.

Doyle began his career at DuPont in 1989 with the marketing communications group for North America operations of Pioneer Hi-Bred. He held a variety of communications roles before being named the director of global communications for Pioneer in 2004. While in that role, Doyle also led global public affairs for DuPont Agriculture & Nutrition business. He was named director of DuPont biotechnology public policy in 2013.

Prior to joining Pioneer, Doyle was a journalist in Illinois and Iowa. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Illinois in Journalism and Agriculture and was raised on a small farm in central Illinois.

Doyle is currently chair of the Center for Food Integrity Board of Directors; and chair of the Des Moines Public Schools Foundation Board of Directors.