Brian Vallo

Brian Vallo, a member of the Pueblo of Acoma tribe in New Mexico, has 30 years of experience working in the areas of museum development, repatriation, cultural resources management, historic preservation, tourism, and the arts.  Brian recently served a three-year term as Governor of his tribe.  Prior to his appointment as Governor, Brian served as Director of the Indian Arts Research Center at the School for Advanced Research in Santa Fe, New Mexico where he led the development and publication of Guidelines for Collaboration, a set of standards for meaningful and collaborative work between museums and tribes. An independent consultant, Brian serves as an advisor and consultant to various cultural institutions including the Field Museum in Chicago, the de Young Museum in San Francisco, and the Denver Art Museum where he provides guidance on a variety of issues including repatriation, exhibit development, and collections stewardship.  Brian also has extensive experience working with both federal and state policy and associated legislative process.

Brian studied Business Administration at New Mexico State University and Anthropology at the University of New Mexico.  A self-taught artist, he incorporates natural elements into multi-media paintings that celebrate Acoma culture and history.