
Collaboration starts with conversation. The Keynotes Blog embraces this idea by bringing forward the voices of our team, partners, and allies to discuss our work inspiring leaders to reach common higher ground. Check back here often for content that delves into our rich history and the ideas driving our work forward.

Q&A with Keystone’s Julie Shapiro

Julie Shapiro has worked for 15 years in the environmental and natural resources field as a facilitator, mediator, and educator. At Keystone Policy Center, Shapiro has led a diverse array of projects, including the Honey Bee Health Coalition and Keystone’s work around CRISPR and other emerging genetic technologies.

Keystone Energy Board Members Work to Rebuild a Resilient Grid in Puerto Rico

Keystone Energy Board member organizations Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA), CPS Energy, and Navigant, along with other mainland energy utilities, associations, government agencies, consultants, elected officials, and other leaders, are supporting the efforts to rebuild the island’s electric system.

February 22nd, 2018|Categories: Energy|Tags: , , , , |

Fostering Conversations on Diversity, Inclusion with Congressional Leadership

The Next 100 the Coalition held a roundtable discussion with Congressman Raul Grijalva of Arizona, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Natural Resources, to share members’ perspectives on issues threatening equity, expanded access, and participation in America’s public lands.

February 16th, 2018|Categories: Public lands|Tags: , , , , |

Keystone Welcomes Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s Robert Kenney as New Trustee

Christine Scanlan, president and CEO of the Keystone Policy Center, welcomed Robert Kenney as the newest member of the organization’s Board of Trustees. Scanlan said Kenney’s experiences and perspectives as the Vice President for CPUC Regulatory Relations at Pacific Gas and Electric Company will provide Keystone with essential guidance as it works to inspire leaders to rise above entrenched positions to reach common higher ground.

February 8th, 2018|Categories: Keystone Updates|Tags: , , |

Career Readiness: A Path Forward to Position Our Kids for Success (Part 2)

Rethinking career readiness requires smart assessment of current conditions and meaningful collaboration among a broad group of stakeholders and leaders. To chart a path forward, there needs to be a shared understanding of the world our kid are entering. Equally important is understanding that there is neither one simple solution that fits every child and community nor are there solutions that leaders from any single field can solve alone.

January 24th, 2018|Categories: Education|

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