
Upcoming Events

January 28 – February 13, 2025: Common Higher Ground Workshop

Keystone’s Common Higher Ground Workshop helps professionals in all sectors develop strategies and build skills for effective decision-making and problem-solving within and beyond their organizations. The workshop is designed for leaders and emerging leaders who need to build a shared vision in the face of apparent differences, whether within a single organization, between organizations, within a community, or across society. Participants will learn collaborative skills and strategies to increase effectiveness at reaching across silos, convening effective teams, and listening and responding to colleagues, constituents, communities, and other stakeholders. The workshop features learning and practice for each crucial stage of collaborative decision-making, and guides participants in building a toolkit of responses to difficult or sensitive situations.

The online workshop will take place from January 28 – February 13, 2025, including 6 two-hour sessions over the three-week span.

Learn more about and register for the Common Higher Ground Workshop!

April 2-3, 2023: Adaptive Facilitation Workshop

Keystone’s Adaptive Facilitation workshop is for those who want to leverage the wisdom and power of diverse groups to produce lasting solutions to complex questions. Often the biggest questions require a combination of expertise, perspectives, resources, and authorities to resolve.  Managing such conversations in a productive and respectful way requires balancing the complex, interrelated needs, values, and experiences of participants.  This complexity benefits from a skilled facilitator who can focus on the context as much as the content of the exchange, on the interests that shape emotions, and on fostering the relationships necessary to support sustainable outcomes. In this workshop, facilitation tools and techniques are underpinned with a solid grounding in theory, so workshop participants will know why they are effective and be able to select and apply them in differing situations.

The in-person workshop will take place April 2-3, 2024 in Denver, Colorado.

Learn more about and register for the Adaptive Facilitation Workshop!

June 4, 2025: Keystone Annual Leadership Awards

Additional details coming soon!