Keynotes Podcast: The Invisible Essential Workforce Part 2

Keynotes Podcast: The Invisible Essential Workforce Part 2 Click below to listen to our podcast episode posted on November 18th, 2021. The economic and health devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are widespread, but we’ve disproportionately heaped the burden of holding up the economy and preserving our way of life on certain [...]

Keynotes Podcast: The Invisible Essential Workforce Part 22022-03-16T09:53:53-06:00

Keynotes Podcast: The Stories that Go Unheard Part 1

Keynotes Podcast: The Stories that Go Unheard Part 1 Click below to listen to our podcast episode posted on June 16th, 2021. Outdoor spaces are often places of solace for many Americans, particularly during time of great stress, as evidenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. But like many things, there is an inequality [...]

Keynotes Podcast: The Stories that Go Unheard Part 12022-03-16T09:29:08-06:00

CRISPRcon 2020 Revisited: Gene Editing in Public Health and Health Autonomy

CRISPRcon 2020 Revisited: Gene Editing in Public Health and Health Autonomy In its final week, CRISPRcon 2020 Virtual explored priority setting in gene editing and the factors that shape research and development. The theme featured two discussions that examined what values and criteria are being used to shape research and funding [...]

CRISPRcon 2020 Revisited: Gene Editing in Public Health and Health Autonomy2021-01-29T07:47:31-07:00

Collaboration, Public Engagement at the Heart of Pandemic and Disaster Preparedness and Response

Collaboration, Public Engagement at the Heart of Pandemic and Disaster Preparedness and Response Keystone has partnered with government agencies, communities, and stakeholders for over 15 years to develop planning and response strategies for disruptive events like natural disasters and pandemics. Our work has: Informed the federal response to the H1N1 [...]

Collaboration, Public Engagement at the Heart of Pandemic and Disaster Preparedness and Response2020-05-15T11:07:55-06:00

Keystone Helps Organize, Moderate Discussion at Public Symposium on Human Germline Editing

Keystone Helps Organize, Moderate Discussion at Public Symposium on Human Germline Editing Keystone Policy Center's Director of Emerging Technologies Program, Julie Shapiro, moderated a session at an event on human germline editing Oct. 26.  The event was called CRISPR Consensus? and it featured scientists, religious leaders, advocates, policymakers, and others participating in an [...]

Keystone Helps Organize, Moderate Discussion at Public Symposium on Human Germline Editing2020-01-16T12:51:42-07:00

9.30.19 – What We’re Reading

What We're Reading 9.30.19 Below are a few headlines from the last week that caught our attention. The articles below are not intended to be indicate our views on any certain topic, just an update on some of the latest news in the areas in which we work. Here’s how we can use [...]

9.30.19 – What We’re Reading2019-10-01T12:51:47-06:00

Keystone Policy Center Unveils Agenda for CRISPRcon Midwest

Keystone Policy Center Unveils Agenda for CRISPRcon Midwest Building off its recent flagship event in the Netherlands, CRISPRcon: Conversations on Science, Society & the Future of Gene Editing will host its first regional event this fall to bring diverse voices together to discuss societal considerations for the future of CRISPR and other gene [...]

Keystone Policy Center Unveils Agenda for CRISPRcon Midwest2019-08-22T07:16:02-06:00

Developing an Integrated Health Care Model

Developing an Integrated Health Care Model From 2015-2019, the Keystone Policy Center worked with the Colorado Behavioral Healthcare Council (CBHC) and four Community Mental Health Centers (CMHC) who were participating in a Bi-Directional Integration Demonstration and Practice-Based Research Pilot Program. Through this program, overseen by the Colorado State Innovation Model [...]

Developing an Integrated Health Care Model2019-08-12T12:01:28-06:00