Frank Prager

Frank Prager is Senior Vice President for Strategy, Security and External Affairs and Chief Sustainability Officer. As chief of staff to the CEO, Prager is responsible for the tracking and development of the company’s strategic initiatives.  His organization is also responsible for the company’s energy, environmental and climate policy priorities and security and emergency management programs.

As Chief Sustainability Officer, Prager develops Xcel Energy’s sustainability strategy and promotes the company’s sustainable priorities in its environmental, social and governance programs and practices.  His organization includes Federal Government and Regulatory Affairs, Corporate Strategy and Planning, Strategic Communications, Resource Planning, Energy and Environmental Policy, and Enterprise Security and Emergency Management.

Prager has worked at Xcel Energy for more than 28 years. Previously, he was the company’s vice president of Policy and Strategy. He also served as vice president of Environmental Policy and Services where he was responsible for the company’s environmental compliance and policy. Prager started his career at Xcel Energy as assistant general counsel, representing the company on environmental matters.

Prager is a graduate of the University of Colorado, with degrees in Chemical Engineering and English. He earned his law degree from Stanford University. Prior to joining the utility industry, Prager was an associate at Holland & Hart in Denver and in-house environmental counsel at The Gates Corporation.