David E. Greenberg

David retired from his post as Vice Chancellor for Institutional Partnerships at the University of Denver in May, 2020. Is his eight years he served as the point person for the University when it hosted the Obama-Romney debate in 2012 and chaired the development of the University’s first Master Plan, which in its first phase has resulted in $150 million in campus improvements.

He is the Founder of the Denver School of Science & Technology, and served as the first Board Chair of its successor organization, DSST Public Schools (dsstpublicschools.org).

For his work in education he was named the 2014 Bonfils-Stanton Foundation Annual Award Honoree for Community Service.

He was co-founder and managing partner of GBSM, a public policy and strategic communications consultancy headquartered in Denver. A graduate of Columbia University and the Harvard Law School, David was legal advisor and speechwriter for Colorado Governor Richard Lamm, served as a White House Fellow working with EPA Administrator William K. Reilly and was a Senior Advisor to the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling.